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Key dates over February 1916

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Lives lost on this day: 2

18th February 1916 - Last German forces in the Cameroons surrender to British

Rolling Casualty Count: 2758

At the Front:

1st Batt: Preparing to move to Corps Reserve. Weather very damp.

SMD RFA: Heavy hostile bombardment on Brigade front from the left. Brigade replied with a barrage. One shell very close to 2nd Worcester Battery.

Yeomanry/Cavalry: A composite squadron from the Force at Kantara made a reconnaissance to Qalia. There were few signs of the enemy near the Canal.

On the Home Front:

Electric Current and Making Bread

The Town Clerk said he had received a letter from the Worcester Co-operative Society asking if the Committee would hear a representative of the Society at the next meeting, with reference to switching off the electric light. If the Society were unable to make bread it would be a serious matter for the people. If the electric current was turned off they had no light and no machinery - it might be no worse to run the risk of being killed by a Zeppelin than to be starved to death.

Entertainments to Help Red Cross Hospital

On Thursday afternoon an enjoyable entertainment was given in Holy Trinity Parish Hall, in aid of Malvern Red Cross Hospital. The Rev. H Maynard presided over a large audience, and the programme, which was of a varied nature, was much enjoyed. The programme was repeated in the evening.

Information researched by the WWW100 team.