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Key dates over November 1915

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Lives lost on this day: 1

1st November 1915 - Buttons and badges causing confusion

Rolling Casualty Count: 2525

1st Batt: In billets in Esterres, near the church. Working party of 235 men attached to 173 tunnellers engaged in mining operations. Work heavy and dirty, men working 15 hours on and 33 off.

2nd Batt:In billets at Annezin.

10th Batt: Batt in Old British Line and in Festubert and Le Plantin.

SMField artillery: At Bayencourt, mostly in billets.

Willing and unwilling

So many and varied button-hole and other badges, authorised and unauthorised, have come into use since the war began that nobody takes much notice of them or can distinguish at a glance between the sign of real war service and self-decoration. The Secretary of War has decided …. To issue what will be a conspicuous and effective means of distinguishing between the willing and unwilling. The armlet is to be issued to three classes of men: those who enlist and are placed in groups not called to join the colours at once; men who offer themselves but are found to be medically unfit; and men who, having enlisted, have been invalided or discharged on medical grounds.

Consecration of scout colours at Newland

On Saturday after evensong at Newland Church, the new colours which had been presented by the Countess Beauchamp to the New land and Madresfield Troop of Boy Scouts, were consecrated by the Rev. W Clissold (curate) and deposited in the Church. The operations of the Troop have been suspended for the time being, Scoutmaster Mr Robinson having felt it his duty to join the Army. At the request of the Troop the colours were taken to Newland Church and will remain there until the work of the Scouts is resumed.

Mr Hirst and the cost of War

The College Hall lecture was given by Mr F W Hirst on the subject of the Cost of War. In calculating the cost he said he excluded all moral considerations and dealt merely with the economic loss. He put this under six heads. 1. The purely financial and budget cost. 2. The loss of trade and profits in the present and of future trade. 3. The dislocation and diversion of capital and of industry making utilities and necessities to the making of munitions in war. 4. The terrible loss of life and the loss of labour power and the loss of inventive ability and direction of management. 5. The loss of credit and 6. The destruction of public and private property. On the fourth point he gave an estimate for the first year of the war of a loss of 90 millions sterling, based on a numerical loss of 150,000.

Information researched by the WWW100 team