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Key dates over November 1915

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Lives lost on this day: 1

23rd November 1915 - New recruiting figures high

Rolling Casualty Count: 2576

At the Front:

2nd Batt: German snipers south of the Canal fired intermittently and a German working party was fired on and dispersed.

10th Batt: In billets at la Tombe Willot

On the Home Front:

An Old Woman's Suicide

The third inquest referred to the death of Eliza Parnham (72).

Deceased’s husband, Thomas Parnham, said his wife was drunk on Friday; she had been drunk for nearly a week. She went out on Saturday morning and said "Goodbye Tommy: I shall go and get in Severn" she had said that before, but he had taken no notice.


A Good Days Recruiting

On Monday, 105 young men presented themselves at the Broadstreet Recruiting Office, and of these 17 joined for immediate service, 72 were enrolled in their groups, and 16 were rejects. Of late the percentage of "medical rejects" has been rather high, but Monday’s proportion was particularly small. These 89 present and prospective recruits were drawn from the Worcester district only.

Information researched by the WWW100 team.