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Key dates over November 1915

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Lives lost on this day: 3

4th November 1915 - Soldiers' Cap Badges Stolen!

Rolling Casualty Count: 2531

2nd Batt: Trenches improved by laying down trench gratings. All “ball” bombs replaced by “Mills” bombs. Trench-kitchens not a success as all water has to be brought from Cambrin.

SMFA: 1 and 3 in Sailly au Bois. 2 in dugouts by Chalsan de la Haie.

An official notice issued on Saturday allows ‘properly organised’ public firework displays on November 5 but prohibits any modest back-garden squib-firing.

To the Editor

Sir – Soldiers are warned to beware lest they get their cap badges stolen. Last night I attended a well-known institution in the city and someone showed his or her patriotism (?) by stealing my cap badge. As this seems to be a practice with a certain class of people, soldiers should be warned to remove their badges when leaving their caps in a porch or cloak room as this seems to be the only way to defeat our light-fingered friends FB

Information researched by the WWW100 team