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Key dates over November 1915

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Lives lost on this day: 2

8th November 1915 - Adultery in the licensing trade

Rolling Casualty Count: 2541

2nd Batt: 2 corps in working party at Cambrin, taken by motor lorries

Arthur Robert Atkins, Publican and licensed victualler of the Blue Bell Inn Callow End Worcester petitions for divorce from his wife Ada on the ground of adultery with Thomas M Butt of the Hen and Chicken, Birmingham. There was no defence.

The Atkins were married in April 1909. The co-respondent was a farmer and fruit grower at Callow End and a friend of his.

On July 5th the wife said she was going away to stay with her sister but on July 6th he found her by visiting the Hen and Chicken Hotel, Birmingham,. The Jury found adultery had been committed and agreed damages of £100. A decree nisi was pronounced.

Information researched by the WWW100 team