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Key dates over March 1916

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Lives lost on this day: 0

1st March 1916 - Germans recommence submarine attacks against merchant and passenger vessels approaching Britain. Continues until April.

Rolling Casualty Count: 2778

At the Front:

1st Batt: Batt in billets at Bruay.

2nd Batt: Inspection of A Coy and half of C Coy by Coy Commander. Men marched in from Annequin and the drum beat the retreat at 8.30pm.

3rd Batt: Batt in 2nd Corps Reserve at Outtersteene engaged in training.

8th Batt: Batt in billets in Bus les artois, Pas de Calais

9th Batt: The convoy had arrived earlier than expected and had to put back to shelter off Koweit.

On the Home Front:

City Police Court: Troublesome Woman: Maggie Harris, 9 Lowesmoor Place, was charged with using obscene language to the annoyance of passengers in Lowesmoor Place. P.C. Guy said she locked her husband and child out, and when he asked her to let them in, she used “filthy” language. He said defendant (who is a little woman) knocked her husband about. Defendant said she did not know what she said. She was fined 5s.

Evesham Flood: More snow this week followed by rain resulted in a flood. Thursday was a wet and dismal day and the Avon rose steadily, and early in the afternoon the Pleasure Gardens and all low-lying meadows were under water. Although the snow has disappeared from the neighbourhood of Evesham it is still lying thickly on the hills and if it now rains heavily the flood will probably be a serious one. On Friday morning, however, the river was very little higher than on Thursday afternoon.

Information researched by the WWW100 team.