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Key dates over December 1916

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Lives lost on this day: 8

4th December 1916 - Edith Cavell Homes of Rest

Rolling casualty count: 5065

2nd Batt: Batt had a thorough inspection of gas helmets and ammunition.

4th Batt: Batt marched to Bernafay Wood having been relieved by the 1st Essex Reg.


Home Front:

Worcestershire Pensions – The Worcestershire Old-Age Pensions Committee met at the Shirehall on Saturday. It was reported that of ,793 claims from old age pensioners for additional allowances as provided for recently by the Government, 3,661 had been passed.

The Edith Cavell Homes of Rest for Nurses – Sir, It may interest your readers to learn that from time to time letters are received at the offices of the Edith Cavell Homes of Rest for Nurses from officers and men in both services which have benefited from the ministration of nurses in our Hospitals, expressing their gratitude and a desire to give what financial help they can to the homes. The following extracts from letters are typical examples. A blinded officer, who has been left by the war with nothing in the world but the small Government pension attaching to the total loss of sight writes: “Hearty congratulations and best wishes for the complete success of your splendid work. Enclosed please find ‘my widow’s mite’ and I trust the whole army will respond to your appeal

Information researched by The Worcestershire World War 100 team