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Key dates over September 1916

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Lives lost on this day: 2

10th September 1916 - Corpl. Wyatt, the first Worcestershire man to gain the V.C. in this war, promoted to Sergeant.

2nd Batt: Batt marched from Halloy to Humbercamp to new billets which were very overcrowded.

3rd Batt: Batt marched to billets at Gaizincourt.

4th Batt: heavy german guns destroyed the parapets in Sunken road. A patrol of 1 officer and 10 men examined the enemy wire in a small salient and found it thick and strong.

10th Batt: Patrols under 2nd Lts Bigwood and Newcombe report that the river is unfordable now. They found german listening posts along the river banks.

Hindlip V.C. Promoted: Corpl. Wyatt, of the Coldstream Guards, the first Worcestershire man to gain the V.C. in this war, has been promoted to the rank of Sergeant. His parents reside at Hindlip, in which district Sergeant Wyatt spent his early years. When called up as a Reservist he was a member of the Doncaster Police Force.

Butchers and “Humane Killer.”: At the Kidderminster Town Council meeting, a letter from the Master Butchers’ Association to the Local Government Board protesting against the universal adoption of the humane killer in slaughter-houses was read, the Deputy Clerk stating that the butchers’ objection was that while the humane killer was suitable for cattle, it was useless for sheep and pigs. Mr. Tandy said a practical man assured him that the humane killer was hopeless as regarded pigs, and that it was just as likely to kill the man as the pig. The matter was referred to the Health Committee.

Content researched by the Worcestershire World War 100 project team.