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Key dates over June 1916

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Lives lost on this day: 1

23rd June 1916 - Sugar supply needed for Jam Making

Rolling Casualty Count:3287

At the Front:

4th Batt: Batt relieved from trenches and took over billets from the SWB at Louvencourt.

SMD RFA: A, B and C Coys went into position in front Line.

On the Home Front:

Wounded Soldier’s Work – Exhibition at Malvern – Opened in the Lecture Hall of Malvern Public Library, an exhibition of handicrafts work done by wounded soldiers from the St John’s Home and Red Cross Hospital. The exhibits numbered 250 and included examples of needlework, cross stiching, carving, pen painting, rag work, poker work etc. The soldiers had been trained by the Misses Piper of “The Hollies” to whose unselfish work reference was made at the opening ceremony.

Sugar for Jam Making – Mr E P Whitely of Pershore Fruit Growers Association, writes: In reply to an enquiry as to what the actual position of the jam manufacturers was with regard to a sufficient supply of sugar, and asking for a definite statement for publication, the following reply was received from the Secretary of the Royal Commission on the sugar supply: “The Comission is making arrangements for ample supplies of sugar for the preserving of home grown fruit crop, as preservers have given undertakings sufficient to warrant the Commission in confirming this proposal. Preservers will pulp as far as possible, as the additional supplies will not be available until December.

Powick Pump House - The Powick Parish Council wrote asking that a notice should be placed forbidding people to enter the Powick pump-house unless they were fetching water. The request was made because complaints had been made that a tramp washed his feet there, and that boys congregated there and became a nuisance.

Information researched by the WWW100 team.