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Key dates over June 1916

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Lives lost on this day: 6

7th June 1916 - Fort Vaux captured at Verdun by the Germans

Rolling Casualty Count: 3262

At the Front:

2nd Batt: CO and CoC reconnoitred Auchy Right section preparatory to going over the line on the 8th.

4th Batt: batt relieved by 1st Lancs Fusiliers and went to billets at Louvencourt.

Deep regret was felt by all ranks at the death of Lord Kitchener.

10th Batt: Batt represented the enemy in practice attacks by the 58th brigade. Reg St Major TM Ryan has been awarded the DCM for carrying in a wounded man under heavy rifle fire near Festubert on Nov 3rd 1915.

11th Batt: Batt marched northward some 12 miles to camp at Pirnar, north west of Baldza to give more room for training.

On the Home Front:

Worcester Amusements - This week at the Theatre Royal a company under the direction of Mr Claude Graveley are presenting (on a twice nightly system) a melodrama with the title “Mother Mine” the piece contains plenty of thrills, some sentimentality and heroics. “Mother Mine” is the wife of a highly political Cabinet Minister, a gentleman who is singularly exposed. His daughter is a spy, who steals and sells his official secrets. She is in league with his brother (who has also stolen his baby daughter) and another visitor to the house.

Worcestershire Casualties - Lieut. J.A. Orr-Ewing killed. In the list of naval casualties Lieut John Orr-Ewing of H.M.S. Turbulent. The second son of Mr Malcolm H. Orr-Ewing of Glen Kin, West Malvern, was second in command of the Turbulent, one of the newest destroyers and went down with her and all her officers and crew – fighting gloriously.

Malvern’s New School – The Chairman said that the Council were about to open a new school at Malvern, but they could not open it until something could be done with regard to the storm water overflow. The work could not be proceeded with because a crop of hay had to be taken off the land nearby and it was stated that would not be until August. As the council had engaged teachers for the school, he hoped that something would be done before the middle of August, otherwise the teachers would get a month’s salary for nothing.

Worried about Conscription – Feckenham Man’s Suicide – An inquest was held by the District Coroner respecting the death of James Edward Dicks (36) single man, sand blaster. James Edward Dicks, father, said that his son had been rather funny in the head over Conscription, but he was very well in his bodily health. He went to work at the Enfield Works, Redditch on FRIDAY MORNING. His mother missed him. Witnesses searched for him and found him in the brew house hanging by a strap. P.C. Walter Kear said that Dicks had been peculiar for the past few weeks, Witnesses thought that Dicks was worrying because he thought he would be fetched as a conscript. He had attested, but had not received papers. Verdict: Suicide whilst of unsound mind.

Information researched by the WWW100 team.