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Key dates over April 1916

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Lives lost on this day: 1

17th April 1916 - Canvass of Upton women for land work

Rolling Casualty Count: 2909

At the Front:

2nd Batt: C COY worked on sandbag shelters in Walker Road.

9th Batt: Successful attack on enemy by 3rd Division. The 13th Division took over the captured position. Officers from all Batts went forward to reconnoitre the position later.

On the Home Front:

Worcester Veterans Medal

A Worcester veteran who had the distinction of instructing General French in fencing in his subaltern days has just received a meritorious service medal (which also carries an additional pension of £10 per annum). Ex Sgt –Instructor W J Kirby of 2 Northfield Street retired two years ago from GW Williamson after 34 years of service as a timekeeper. Previously he had served for 21 years in the 19th Hussars, retiring in 1880. When asked who he would like to present the medal Mr Kirby requested Mr Williamson who alluded to the great pleasure that the duty gave him.

Women land workers – Result of Upton Canvass

At a meeting of the Upton-upon-Severn District sub-committee of the War Agricultural Committee Miss Hollington reported upon the canvass in local villages including Ripple, Severn Stoke, Hanley Castle and Powick which reported that though there was some slackness in some villages, in others the women were eager to do all they could. While some farmers had all the labour they needed, in some parishes there was a shortage. The objections to the employment of women were mainly that women could not do the work and a suspicion that there services would be retained after the war. Another complaint was that the Government were taking the men before they had trained the women. A similar canvass of 58 women in Upton suggested 75 per cent of them were willing to undertake work.

Information researched by the WWW100 team.