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Key dates over April 1916

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Lives lost on this day: 2

22nd April 1916 - 9th Battalion's attack on Sanaiyat fails

Rolling Casualty Count: 2959

At the Front:

2nd Batt: Batt gave a concert in the Chapel, Rue d`Aire.

9th Batt: Lt TN Holmden, recovered from his wounds, came in with a draft of 98 NCOs and men under 2nd Lt Carter..

The attack on Sanaiyat failed and that was the last chance to relieve Kut.

Yeomanry/Cavalry: it was difficult to dig trenches in the sand and a trench had to be 15 feet wide with battens behind with canvas backs. Space behind had to be filled. A tiny hole on the canvas would soon refill a trench.

A surprise attack on Maeibra, 10 miles south east of Qatia using a force of 200-300 men was discovered by aeroplane reconnaissance and tracks of men and camels were found.

On the Home Front:

Diphtheria in Droitwich District – At a meeting of the committee of the Bromsgrove, Droitwich and Redditch Hospitals for the isolation of infectious diseases, the Medical Officer reported that there had been heavy admissions of diphtheria recently, exceeding anything experienced since the hospital was opened. The disease in many cases had been very severe and six deaths had occurred at ages varying from three to fourteen. Worcester Herald)

School Attendance Regulations in Worcestershire – At Stourport on Tuesday, Walter Whitehouse of Hartlebury, was summoned, as guardian of his grandson, for not sending the boy to school. He said he kept the boy to work on the land in accordance with a published resolution of the county authorities. Boys were to be allowed to work on the land, according to the statement, a certain number of days, on condition that the attendances were made up later and this had been done. The prosecutor said that the boy must attend school three days a week, the Chairman of the Board said this was not so and suggested the case be withdrawn. The law was passed for normal conditions and now in these abnormal times, it is an absolute necessity to employ women and boys.

Information researched by the WWW100 team.