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Key dates over December 1915

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Lives lost on this day: 7

9th December 1915 - Troops start to evacuate Gallipoli in high numbers

Rolling Casualty Count: 2593

1st Batt: Coys carried out training in fire control and attended lectures. Weather still wet.

2nd Batt; Weather wet and foggy so bombardment postponed.

9th Batt: Shiploads of troops leaving the beach

WORCESTER MUNITIONS COURT - Charge against a Workman

The first case was a complaint by Messrs. Froude against Henry Davies, of Worcester, one of their workmen, that he did not attend regularly and work diligently during the ordinary working hours, and that his absence was not due to holidays or sickness......he lost 51/2 hours...and in the succeeding weeks....he lost 151/2 hours, 71/2 hours, 61.2 hours, 8 1/4 hours, and 8 hours, respectively.

The chairman said he that worked out at about 61 hours a week; that was not a very heavy week.

The chairman asked Davis if he proposed to turn over a new leaf! Defendant: Yes, if they will me my rate of pay. The chairman asked him to give an unqualified promise, and he said he would attend better....they would find him guilty, but would not inflict any penalty for the moment. The matter would be adjourned for four weeks, and if Davies did not behave himself he would have to come up again.


As in London and other parts of the country, there is now in Worcester a great rush to enrol under Lord Derby’s scheme, for which recruiting closes on Saturday. So great was this rush on Wednesday that Major Winnington, who recently came a second time from the front on sick furlough, published a statement in the “Daily Times” that it was impossible for the present staff, although increased, to get through the work. He appealed to Worcester citizens accustomed to clerical work to come forward on patriotic grounds to help with the remaining three days of the campaign.

Information researched by the WWW100 team.