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Key dates over December 1915

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Lives lost on this day: 1

10th December 1915 - Teachers' Union Annual Report

Rolling Casualty Count: 2594

1st Batt: Lectures on use of gas for all officers. More training and working parties

2nd Batt: Cleaning trenches. It was noticed that the enemy is not repairing his trenches. Intelligence Officer visited trenches and selected 2 positions for Sniper Posts and after dusk these were erected. 50 steel helmets were received for use of sentries in the front line.


Dear Sir, - I should like to draw the City Engineers attention to the water supply round our district. We cannot get any supply till 8.15 in the morning, and having soldiers around us, they expect a wash before turning out, as we do our bath etc. Who will be responsible for the self filling boilers that are in the houses? Are they to burst for the want of water? I am surprised at this. We have had no trouble till this week. Hoping this will have the City Engineers attention as early as possible.

RATEPAYER, Selborne Road, Barbourne

TEACHERS UNION - Meeting of City Association

In his annual report, Mr Burchell stated that in the education world there had been......very little advance, over 30 teachers were on service, throwing great strain on those remaining. The members totalled 141, against 132 last year. Mr Burchell gave notice of his intention to resign, and observed that when he took over the secretaryship six years ago there were but 84 members.

REQUIEM FOR FALLEN SOLDIERS - Service in Worcester Cathedral.

On Thursday evening Mozart’s “Requiem” was embodied in a special service in the Cathedral, in memory of those who have fallen during the war. The Requiem was performed at the Three Choirs Festival Choral Society in 1911, but it has never been attempted by the Worcester Festival Choral Society as any of its own enterprises. Like other requiems, it is very well known in the Roman Catholic Church, but it is not generally and popularly familiar. The announcement that it would be performed at the Cathedral attracted a congregation which nearly filled that great edifice.

Information researched by the WWW100 team.