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Key dates over December 1915

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Lives lost on this day: 3

14th December 1915 - Second Battalion moves to new Division

Rolling Casualty Count: 2605

2nd Batt: At 10.30am the batt paraded in Quarter columns for inspection by Major General Walker VC commanding 2nd Division, who also expressed regret at having to part with the Batt. He felt sure wherever the Batt went they would uphold the honour and traditions of the Regiment as they had done so far in their new Division, the 33rd.

11th Batt: The 78th Brigade moved to Lembet Camp and went into bivouacs nearer their work. Bulgarians were advancing and only 50 miles away.

THREATENED BAKERS STRIKE - Worcester Master's Concessions

Notices, which were handed in last Saturday to expire next Saturday (on the eve of this urgent Christmas trade), demanded, on behalf of the bakers of Worcester advances of wages of all ranks of bakers – the alternative being the threat of a strike in the most awkward week of the year. The increase of wages demanded amounted to about 3s. A week for various classes of workmen from 18 years of age upwards, and 4s. A week for foremen, and for single hands and second hands......another meeting representing the entire trade..... Decided to grant the demands.....thus a strike was averted.

The Master's imposed the condition that every man should have two years’ experience before counting in any class.


There is a variety entertainment at the Theatre Royal this week. The most interesting variety is the appearance of little "Lady Little," "Dame Nature's prettiest perplexity "who since the age of two has ceased to grow. It is claimed that she is the tiniest woman in the world. She is aged 23 years, her height is 26 inches, and her weight is 18 1/2 pounds. Last night’s audiences at the Theatre were very much interested in her.

Information researched by the WWW100 team.