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Key dates over August 1915

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Lives lost on this day: 6

21st August 1915 - Yeomanry losses severe in attack on Chocolate Hill

Rolling casualty count: 2218

Worcs. Yeomanry is part of the infantry attack on Chocolate Hill, launched at 3.10pm. Open terrain of the salt lake and lack of trenches allows Turkish guns to fire indiscriminately causing mayhem. Under General Wiggin, A Squadron led attack over the top of Chocolate Hill since other routes were clogged with wounded and dead from earlier attacks. The regiment became very strung out and decision-making fell to senior NCOs as darkness gathered. Overnight the severe loses resulted in a decision to withdraw to original positions at Lala Baba. Casualties in the 2nd Mounted Division, 4,000 strong, were about 30% by 22nd August

1st Batt. Worcs Regiment Relieved the 2/East Lancashires about 10pm went into boundary reserve around Fleurbaix. 2nd Batt. Trenches shelled during afternoon.

Worcester Provisions Market - Misc: Danish butter 1s 8d per lb; fresh butter 1s 6d - 1s 8d; salt butter 1s 5d per lb; English cheese 11d; eggs 8 a 1s. Fruit and Vegetables: Monkey nuts 4d per lb; bananas 9d - 1s per doz; small nuts 5d; lemon 1s per doz; parsley 3s per pot; cucumbers 2s - 4s per doz; potatoes £3 10s ton; kidney beans 2s 3d per pot; cabbage 1s; carrots 10d per doz; onions 4s 6d per cwt; Prolific Plums 4s; Egg Plums 1s; Jangonelle Pears 7s; Worcester Pearmain 8s.