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Key dates over May 1915

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Lives lost on this day: 18

6th May 1915 - Heavy fighting for 4th Battalion in Second Battle of Krithia

Rolling casualty count: 1096

1st Batt: In billets at Sailly. Preparations being made for offensive operations; 2nd Batt: Fairly quiet day. Very little sniping but ‘phizz bangs’ at intervals throughout the day. A number of 6” to 8” howlitzer shells were dropped in and around the village but no casualties resulted. Battn. relieved by the Coldstream Guards in the afternoon, and marched to billets in Le Quesnoy; 3rd Batt: In billets at Dickebush;

King’s Accession: Fifth Anniversary: The King has received many telegrams of congratulations on the fifth anniversary of his accession to the Throne. A salute of 41 guns was fired in St. James’s Park, in the presence of a large crowd, and at the conclusion a band which was performing on the Horse Guards Parade played the National Anthem, the crowd meanwhile standing bare-headed. Flags were flown at the various Government buildings;

War decreases Vagrancy: The annual meeting of the Worcestershire Wayfarer’s Relief Society was held at the Guildhall on Saturday, Mr. C.P. Lane presiding. The Committee, in their report, stated that ten of the Unions in the county and on the border are administering relief through the Society, and during the year 25,363 adults and 551 children were supplied with food, at a cost of £215 9s. 5d. There was a large decrease in the number of men on the road. During the six months ending Lady Day, 1914, 13,159 men were relieved, 2,049 women, and 331 chiidren. In the same period in 1915 the figures were 9,583, 2,093, and 163 respectively. This decrease was accounted for by enlistments and the greater demand for labour, and it was hoped that there would be a large decrease in the number of female vagrants, as there was likely to be a great shortage of labour in the fruit-growing districts, consequently there would be labour for all who wished to work. The Committee’s thanks were due to many, among whom were the generous subscribers…Owing to the increased cost of food, the Committee resolved to pay shop-keepers at way-side stations 3d instead of 21/2d for each meal supplied.

Information researched by Sue Redding