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Key dates over May 1915

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Lives lost on this day: 10

7th May 1915 - German submarine U-20 sinks the luxury passenger liner Lusitania off the west coast of Ireland. 1198 people are killed, including 128 US citizens.German submarine U-20 sinks the luxury passenger liner Lusitania off the west coast of Ireland

Rolling casualty count: 1106

1st Batt: In billets at Sailly. Preparations being made for offensive operations; 2nd Batt: In billets at Le Quesnoy;3rd Batt: In billets at Dickebush;

Chef and Saucepan: A chef, named Nicholas, was summoned for assaulting Annie L. Barnett, employed at the Imperial Hotel, on April 22nd. Sergt. Powell stated that complainant, whose home is in Wylds Lane, Worcester, had written asking that the summons be withdrawn. When she called at the Police Station she was suffering from a pair of discoloured eyes, and said the chef had hit her with a saucepan. The Bench permitted the withdrawal of the summons;

Royal Engineers in Worcester: Another detachment of the Royal Engineers arrived in Worcester on Tuesday, and are billeted in the Spring Hill district. They have set up a wireless installation in the yard of the Neville Engineering Co;

Worcestershire’s Contribution to War Relief Fund: The Earl of Coventry has received from the National Relief Fund the following letter:- “I have to acknowledge, with sincere thanks, the receipt of your letter of the 2nd inst., together with a cheque value £535 16s. 11d., representing further contributions which have been received by your Lordship, as Lord Lieutenant of the County of Worcester, on behalf of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales’ National Relief Fund.”;

No Increases at Present: At a meeting of the Worcester Licensed Victuallers’ Association on Wednesday, it was decided that there would be no alteration in prices at present, either in beer or spirits, pending the decision of the Government;

For the Sick and Wounded: The handsome contribution of £3 5s. from the offertories at Colwall Parish Church on Sunday last has been sent to “The Times” Fund. Part of it will be allocated to Serbia. The amount from the churches is fast approaching £100,000.

Information researched by Sue Redding