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Key dates over May 1915

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Lives lost on this day: 5

8th May 1915 - Attack preparations at Aubers Ridge

Rolling casualty count: 1111

1st Batt: Orders for an attack against the Auber Ridge. Marched off from Sailly at 10.50 pm; 2nd Batt: In billets at Le Quesnoy;3rd Batt: In billets at Dickebush;

As reported in our late editions of yesterday, the Lusitania was torpedoed by a German submarine off Kinsale yesterday afternoon and sunk. News was received in Worcester about 5:30, but details came through in fragmentary fashion, and even this morning it was impossible to say exactly how many survivors there are. Seven hundred survivors were landed on the Irish coast on Friday night and it is known that three rescue ships with other survivors on board were making for harbour. The passengers and crew in all number 1,978…It is impossible to speak with absolute certainty, but Mr. W.J. Hill, the local agent of the Cunard Line, says he believes there were no Worcestershire passengers on board…The young wife of a bury Irishman was on board. “If it had not been for her,” he said, “I should have been in the trenches months ago, but if she’s gone then it is settled. I shall go at once, and, by God, the devils will pay dearly for my girl;”

Worcestershire Hunt, Earth Stoppers’ Dinner: This annual affair took place at the Pack Horse Hotel, Worcester, when Host Coombe provided a capital repast. There were about 50 earth-stoppers and game-keepers present to receive the rewards for the foxes found and hunted in their coverts. After the toast of the King, the Chairman proposed the health of “The Earth-stoppers,” saying they had done their work very satisfactorily, for which he thanked them. The hounds had killed 50 brace of foxes during the season, which was about the average of the last few seasons…The Rev. Nigel Freer proposed the health of “The Master.” Hunting, he said, was looked upon by some as the rich man’s sport, but it was enjoyed by everyone, and it did more good than was imagined. Mr. Jones, and other masters of hounds, had been the means of purchasing the great number of 170,000 horses for the cavalry and the artillery. Mr. Jones had been specially complimented on the large number he had purchased, (Cheers);

A memorial service for Major Charles Vaughan, D.S.O., was held at Whittington Church, at 3 o’clock;

Territorial Recruits: During the week 93 recruits have been enrolled for the third line units of the Worcestershire Territorial Force. The present strength of the units is as follows:- Yeomanry, 121 (establishment 200); R.F.A., 200 (est. 300); 7th Batt., 489 (est. 563); 8th Batt., 230 (est. 563). Recruits are wanted immediately to bring these units up to full strength. Col. Stafford is to take over the command of the Artillery in the course of a few days.

Information researched by Sue Redding