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Key dates over March 1915

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Lives lost on this day: 3

17th March 1915 - Tuberculosis figures under-report

Rolling casualty count: 942

1st Batt: In billets at Estaires. Four officers joined;

2nd Batt: A fairly quiet day but the little shelling we got caused 9 casualties. Relieved by the 2nd H.L.I. at about 5 pm and marched by Coys via Annequin-Beuvry to Bethune where the Battalion went once more into billets at the Orphanage;

3rd Batt: In trenches at Kemmel;

Tuberculosis in the County: The report of the Tuberculosis and Sanatorium Committee stated that during 1915 there were notified 572 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis, and 113 cases of non-pulmonary tuberculosis. Of this number 203 were reported by the school medical officer as occurring amongst school children. The County Medical Officer advised the Committee that, in his opinion, there were still many un-notified cases of this disease, and that the above numbers did not accurately represent the number of cases existent in the county. The additions to Knightwick Sanatorium were rapidly approaching completion, and it was hoped that by the end of April the new buildings would be ready for occupation. The Council would then have at their disposal for the treatment of early cases of consumption a total of 60 beds (38 for men and 22 for women). Seven non-pulmonary cases (3 insured and 4 non-insured) had been treated in the Worcester Infirmary, and in most cases surgical operation was necessary;

Sir, - I hope you will not consider me encroaching on your valuable space if I appeal, through your columns, to any kindly citizens who may be disposed to spare me a few 10 in. gramophone records for transmission to the British Red Cross Hospital at Netley. My daughter, who is nursing there, tells me that the men love the gramophone – it cheers them up so – but that they get rather tired of the same records over and over again. Should any of your readers possess records which are somewhat tired of, perhaps they might welcome this opportunity of placing them where they will be deeply appreciated and gratefully acknowledged. Yours faithfully - Fred. Webb, 45 High Street;

Recruiting: 6 Fitters wanted at once for Army Cyclists’ Corps, duration of war. Pay 2s. per day with additional proficiency pay when qualified. Also required a limited number of pensioner field works instructors, Royal Engineers, for Home Service, with Former Rank of Quarter-Master-Sergeant. Apply at nearest recruiting office. T. Baker, Major. Chief Recruiting Officer, Worcestershire Recruiting Area.

Information researched by Sue Redding