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Key dates over March 1915

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Lives lost on this day: 94

13th March 1915 - Casualties soar as battle at Neuve Chapelle rages

Rolling casualty count: 918

1st Batt: At 4.45 am the Battalion arrived at the position allotted for Brigade Reserve on Rue Tilleloy and at 1pm received orders to march into billets near Red Barn where they arrived about 5.30pm ;

2nd Batt: In billets at Bethune. Secret orders re move to another section received but shortly afterwards cancelled;

3rd Batt: In billets at Locre ;

The Infirmary: Week ending March 6th: Patients admitted 18, discharged 16, in the House 106 (including 29 wounded soldiers);

At a gathering of Worcester students, Mr. W. March-Whelen, gave an address on “A man’s efficiency and success now and after the war.” He emphasised the necessity of every man enlisting or, as an alternative, preparing to do his share in the battle for Britain’s supremacy in the world of commerce and industry. As students of engineering, commercial training, and other subjects, it was for such a body as they to give a lead to the community.

At the Worcester Police Court, today, William Birch (aged 40) described as a rag collector, of 3 house, 6 Court, Quay Street, was brought up charged with the wilful murder of his wife, Ellen Maud Birch (aged 24). The woman, it will be remembered was admitted to the Infirmary on Saturday week suffering from terrible injuries to her head.

Information researched by Sue Redding