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Key dates over February 1915

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Lives lost on this day: 0

14th February 1915 - Dreary weather in Europe and constant shelling

Rolling casualty count: 647

1st Batt: ’B’ Lines: Driving rain most of the day, all quiet. Relieved at 8pm. Battalion billeted in Brigade Reserve billets; 2nd Batt: About a dozen shells dropped in the neighbourhood of our dressing stations, none of which exploded. Our trenches shelled. Relieved by HLI and marched into billets at Les Choquax in Divisional Reserve ;3rd Batt: In trenches E. Kemmel ;

The Worcester Rowing Club held its annual meeting at the Crown Hotel last night. The annual report stated that from a rowing point of view the season 1914 was a most successful one. The junior four easily beat the Club’s previous record, winning no fewer than nine of the eleven races in which they competed. Fifty of the Club’s members are serving with the colours. Thirty-three new members were elected during the year. Two new racing pair-oar boats had been purchased and the Club now had a complete fleet of up-to-date racing boats;

Playing Wages in War Time: Many of Worcester FC’s supporters will be rather surprised at no fewer than six professional being dropped out of the team selected to meet Dudley. There is no team in the Birmingham League today paying full wages to their players/ The majority of non-reserve clubs started early in the season paying half-wages and other paying even less. The Worcester players have been more fortunate, because of the last successful season, and they have been given every match full wages. But owing to the war the gate receipts at Worcester have fallen off to such a degree that at the last four home matches the total amount taken in gate-money had been about £74, whereas the four matches at home and four matches away have cost the Club about £160. Therefore the Committee, after paying full wages for five months, asked the professional players if they would voluntarily accept a reduction. After the Wednesbury match the players’ decision was that they were not willing to accept any reduction. It was therefore unanimously decided not to select the players for Saturday’s match;

Secondary Schools and Cadet Corps: The Higher Education Committee recommended that the Managing Committee of the four Council Secondary Schools attended by boys (Evesham, Redditch, Oldbury, and Bromsgrove) be informed that, if is found possible to start a cadet corps at the school, the County Education Committee would be prepared, if necessary, to give a small grant towards the initial expenses, but not to exceed £10 in the case of any school.;

Information researched by Sue Redding