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Key dates over January 1915

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Lives lost on this day: 1

15th January 1915 - Flooded out - in Worcester and in France

Rolling casualty count: 590

1st Batt: ‘B’ Lines: Still more sniping than usual and the casualties in the trenches were considerably over the average. This can be accounted for by the occupation of the new breastworks as, by this time, they had not been made bullet proof; 2nd Batt: In billets at Gorre; 3rd Batt: In trenches at E. Kemmel.

Mr JR Randall wrote stating that he had been asked to write and ask the Committee to place a policeman on duty at the western end of the Worcester Bridge during the prevalence of the floods, because small children imperilled their lives by playing on the unprotected back. The Committee took the view that the responsibility was not theirs. The Chief Constable said that he might be asked to watch the whole of the river bank. Mr Moore said the responsibility lay with the parents;

The Chief Constable presented his annual return of crime. This stated that during the year the number of indictable offences had been 103, compared with 115 in 1913, 61 had been dealt with summarily, 50 had been convicted, and 11 discharged, and 21 committed for trial. This was less than any number recorded during the last 10 years, and in one year only during the last 22 years was a less number than 103 recorded. There had been no crimes of a very serious character during the year. Out of the total 103 crimes, 66 were under the head of simple larceny, and in 22 cases the property was of less value than 5 shillings;

Beauty and chivalry: chivalry depicted by the khaki-uniformed figures in the audience who were present at the concert given at the Co-operative Hall on Thursday evening, the proceeds of which will be given to the Worcester Belgian Relief Fund. There was a crowded room, and the audience enjoyed thoroughly the pleasantly varied programme…With the help of clever local amateurs, the stage was draped with the flags of the Allies and decorated effectively with screens and plants;

Evesham man in Water-Logged Trenches: Pte E A Smart of the Worcesters, who re-enlisted in his old Regiment when the war broke out, writing to Mr Frank Hale from the front said: “Just a card to let you know I am still in the pink, but up to my neck in mud and water. I am afraid to duck my head for fear of being drowned. It is something awful. It has been raining for days, and our trenches are full of water. I expect the Germans are just the same. Our guns are breaking their trenches up. They seem to be baling water out all day long. We are just getting ready to go back into them again after three days’ rest. I expect they are worse than when we left them. But never mind, it won’t last for ever. I think they are fighting half-hearted. Let us hope it won’t last much longer;”

Nine more wounded soldiers will arrive at the Infirmary this afternoon, at about 4:30;

YMCA at the Barracks: On Tuesday evening, the eve of the departure of 403 men from Norton Barracks, there was a lantern picture talk in the YMCA by Capt S Corner, of the Church Army, assisted by Cadet E Moss, who manipulated the lantern, and ex-Capt Leeming, of Kempsey, who sang some solos. The latter part of the address and pictures were religious, and had references to temptations. Many of the men were much impressed. At the close, following an appeal by the leader, Mr Carey, 62 pledges were taken…A capital programme was performed with many encores. The men evidently enjoyed themselves and heartily cheered the proposed thanks to the artistes. We understand that up to now the postal despatches number 35,889, the postal orders amount to £227 11s, and the pledges taken total 622. It costs £4 per week to keep the hut going.;

Information researched by Sue Redding