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Key dates over December 1914

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Lives lost on this day: 0

8th December 1914 - Battle of the Falklands. In the South Atlantic, a reinforced British naval squadron defeats the German East Asiatic Squadron.

Rolling casualty count: 541

There are some customs and terms of workaday life that even the omniscient oracle at the Shirehall is not seized of. Mr. Willis Bund, to wit, reading particulars about an application for an old age pension, was puzzled by the old fellow’s expression that he nothing but was in the “coop.” Another member, whose knowledge of these things is exceptional, suggested that the word was “co-op,” an abbreviation usually applied to the Co-operative Society. And so it proved to be.

Queen’s Work for Women: On Monday a matinee performance, organised by Countess Beauchamp and Viscountess Deerhurst, was given in the Queen’s Royal, Worcester, on behalf of the Queen’s Work for Women Fund. The theatre was crowded in every part, and the large audience manifested, at times with enthusiasm, their approval of the excellent programme provided. Lady Beauchamp and Lady Deerhurst had secured the assistance of several distinguished professionals and a number of amateurs, and together they presented a programme of exceptional artistic merit and general interest. The promoters had the benefit of the business and professional experience of Mr Carlton, who ungrudgingly gave advice and help, lent the Theatre, and provided scenery free of cost so that every single penny of the takings would go to Her Majesty’s Fund for providing employment for women. (Applause)

Widows and Orphans of Clergy: The annual meeting of the members of the Society for the Relief of Clergymen’s Widows and Orphans was held at the Diocesan Church House on Monday. The Committee recommended that grants amounting to £916 be made to 30 widows and orphans, and that the usual contribution of £52 10s, be given to the Clergy Orphan Corporation, and to the St John’s Foundational School, Leatherhead, making a total sum recommended to be granted this year of £1021, as against £1172 distributed last year. The Committee was thankful that the difficulties which overshadowed them at the time, when the Festival was given up had been removed.

Worcester Girls’ Gifts to “Tommies.”: We have recently published letters from Miss Hilda Pearson, a nurse at the British Expeditionary Hospital, thanking ladies for gifts of lemonade powders for the benefit of wounded “Tommies.” Miss Bomford, a member of the typing staff at Messrs’ Kay’s, has also received an acknowledgment for a large package of lemonade powders which she and her colleagues sent to the same lady. It is couched in the same grateful terms, and one passage says:- “You have no idea how much it is enjoyed, especially these cold days, when we give it to them hot. It cheers them up wonderfully.”

Information researched by Sue Redding