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Key dates over September 1914

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Lives lost on this day: 1

30th September 1914 - Artillery Brigade inspected by Colonel Lyon

Killed: Pte. Sidney John Pugh 12859 3rd Battalion

2nd Batt: Marched from Dhuizel at dawn, went into bivouac near Vauxtin again and continued working on trenches. Returned to Dhuizel to billet at 7 pm;

3rd Batt: in billets at Augy.

This morning the 470 men who have joined the Artillery (Reserve) Brigade went on parade and were inspected by Col. Lyon. They appear to be a very capable set of men, who, after a few months training, should give a good account of themselves;

Pte. Herbert Doughty of the Royal Engineers wrote to his wife in Mill Street, Worcester: "I am going on alright, but I have been having it very tough this week. We have been having some very hard battles. Last Sunday week there were 8 of us wounded, but I was only hit slightly in the finger and leg. We have been on the Belgian frontier, and we have been marching day and night. We are not allowed to put anything in the letter, as regards the War. I must tell you it is a big job. God speed the day when it is over, for the sake of the women and children. The Germans don't leave until they are sure we are dead". At the French hospital they can’t understand what we say and we can’t understand what they say but they are "very kind to we English soldiers".

Mr H G Dowty, 5th son of the late Mr W Dowty, chemist, Pershore, has obtained the position of 2nd Lt. in the Staffordshire Regt. He is an old Worcester Grammar School boy and one time assistant to Mr C H Steward of Worcester.